Corporate Staff / TSO Certified Coaches

Dave Neal
Dave Neal is the CEO and founder of Neal & Associates Business Consultants (NABC) located in Phoenix, AZ. He has a rich and expansive career spanning over 45 years of professional experiences. His career started in the mental health field as a Captain in the Medical Service Corp and he distinguished himself by being selected to provide sensitive counseling to our POW’s and their families. He received special commendation for this services and finished his military service as a Major. The military experience was followed by mental health administrator roles in Indiana and Wisconsin. Dave spent the next 25 years in the paper industry primarily with Weyerhaeuser, in sales, sales management, general management and change management. Through his varied careers he has been noted as a “fixer” of troubled organizations. His specialty is developing strong leadership teams through optimizing people and processes. His passion for training and coaching is part of a life-long philosophy that people are any organization’s most important resource. He retired from corporate life in 2003 and started NABC focused on helping his clients sell more. He has been a key note speaker to numerous businesses and organizations, as well as the author of two books; The K4 Sales Success Formula and TSO (Total Selling Organization) System Leadership Guide.

Andy Neal
Andy Neal has over 17 years of experience in various leadership positions in project management, business analysis, strategic business planning, director of sales and operations as well as providing general business consulting in a multitude of industries. Andy has specialized in implementing, selecting, and training on technology business solutions with an emphasis in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) initiatives. Having provided both sales engineering and hands on implementation experiences with various industry leading CRM solutions Andy brings a wide breadth of knowledge and insight.

John Cecilia
VP of Human Relations and TSO Certified Coach
John Cecilia had a 30 year career with Kimberly Clark as a plant manager, supply chain executive and HR manager. He has extensive experience in manufacturing and international business. He owns and operates a consulting business in Tucson, AZ and Ashville. North Carolina.